
Just to let you know that VirtualBox 5.0.4 runs okay under OI Hipster. The process to uninstall VirtualBox 5.0.2 and install Virtual 5.0.4 is straight forward.

In order to get VirtualBox 5.0.2 installed, I ran the "pkgadd -d ./VirtualBox-5.0.2-SunOS-amd64-102096.pkg" this did not complete the installation, so I copied Jim Klimov's vboxconfig.sh script into /opt/VirtualBox replacing the default one and then ran "./vboxconfig.sh --postinstall" which completed the installation of VirtualBox 5.0.2

When I came to remove Virtualbox 5.0.2 with "pkgrm SUNWvbox" it uninstalled clearnly as it used Jim's modified vboxconfig.sh.

Similarly when attempting to add VirtualBox 5.0.4 with "pkgadd -d ./VirtualBox-5.0.4-SunOS-amd64-r102546.pkg" this also failed to complete the installation, so copying Jim Klimov's vboxconfig.sh script into /opt/VirtualBox replacing the default one and then ran "./vboxconfig.sh --postinstall" which completed the installation of VirtualBox 5.0.4.

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