On 09/16/15 10:42 PM, Andrew Gabriel wrote:
Also what OI/illumos is that, because I was reading long ago there were some bugs solved in illumos for mpt_sas.

Somewhere around 18 months ago IIRC, Nexenta pushed a load of fixes for this into their git repo. I don't think I've seen these picked up yet by Illumos, although maybe I missed it? The fixes were in mpt_sas and FMA, to more accurately determine when disks are going bad by pushing the timing of the SCSI commands right down to the bottom of the stack (so delays in the software stack are not mistaken for bad drives), and to have FMA better analyse and handle errors when they do happen.

It is strange how companies in illumos ecosystem do not push their changes (or do push veeery slow and late) to illumos upstream, but keep them by themselves i their codebase. And if other distros want to have them, they need to port them themselves in possibly different ways.

Maybe illumos have big barrier on code quality of what enters in illumos or not, regarding "always stable" mantra without stable/supportable/older illumos releases and developing branches.

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