Stefan Müller-Wilken писал 16.11.2015 02:16:
Full 'thumbs up' to all you've said. I admit that I've treated SFE as
part of the core.  My bad, I'll fix that following your suggestions
and report.

Regarding maintaining and supporting OI, I know what you mean: I'm
always happy to see someone coming back to my NWAM wiki topic. :-)

And I agree there is a lot of room for PR - just alone from looking at
the website. :-)

As for contributing packages, I think it would help to have a full
tutorial starting wirh preparing a packaging zone, downloading a tgz
package from a source repository (e. g. latest tomcat) over creating
IPS metadata to packaging and lastly delivering to the maintainers
placed on the wiki. There was one for SFE I remember being fairly
complex - but we'd need this for dev with the minimum number of steps
just to upgrade an existing package... or is this already available
somewhere on the net?

There is , but I think it would be good
to have some blog entry about creating simple component.

System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

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