Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> First of all, I do not understand what you are trying to say. I
> suggest that taking more care in your expression would help. None of
> the other respondents seem to have agreed on your intended meaning,
> so I don't think I'm alone.
His gripe is twofold:
1) Some poster's messages (including yours) appear as replies to the
original post in a thread, not to the actual message being replied to.
This completely disrupts the flow of a thread.
2) A general dislike of top-posting, which, to a lesser extent, also
disrupts the flow of a thread.
Both of these appear to be due to incorrectly configured mail clients.
The second may be a matter of (bad!) taste. The first, being uncommon,
is more than likely a problem with the client. As the oft quotes Usenet
adage says:
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What's the most annoying thing on Usenet and in email?
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