On top of that, keeping $$$ aside (I had to sell my i7 2700K and also my 16GB 
The entire OpenSXCE project was most and above all sponsored by my work and the 
money from _my_ family!

The sole fact that only 4 persons showed happiness that Inetl-KMS now works on 
No - cannot beieve there are only 4 folks who waited for this.

Conclusion: Nobody responded because they are boycotting me.
Under such circumstances: Find a single reason why I should as a result _not_ 
have reacted in this way.
Tell me ...

I'm the last dirt for the Illumos crowd.
Under these conditions: wtf.

>Суббота,  9 января 2016, 16:44 +03:00 от Мартин Бохниг <opens...@mail.ru>:
>>Пятница,  8 января 2016, 17:15 +01:00 от Aurélien Larcher < 
>>aurelien.larc...@gmail.com >:
>>>I already know sending this is most likely a waste of time based on
>>>the previous posts I read, but if any of this gets through to you let
>>>me know.
>>I do get you point but, please, can we focus instead of firing endless 
>>Time could be better spent migrating the ~100 remaining packages to 
>What? and my 6 weeks of night and day and weekends and X-Mas work are worth no 
>single penny?
>I didn't ask for donations from those who already did donate last year. In 
>fact one friend contacted me privately and asked how he can donate, BUT I 
>THANKFULLY *REFUSED* (because he alsready did notate 50 EUR in 2015)
>I wanted it from the commercial parasites who only take, but never give 
>something back (including give nothing back to you, but you appear to enjoy 
>Plus: Folks expect me to upload the stuff (I already uploaded most parts in 
>December as src), although I cannot even obtain the basic right to submit it 
>upstream into Illumos mit my humble name, like all the contris are doing??
>You folks must be insane!
>Nice to see what you really think without your typical sliming "Dear Martin, 
>Kindest regards"
>That US' Illumos guy also once again didn't find it necessary to even only 
>respond privately or anything.
>I was requesting a response since they intelligently blocked me in 2013 for 
>having said the truth about USA's Syria plans.
>This here is not a community, IT IS A SHAME.
>And now also ban me from the OI lists, then at least the status is synced with 
>I wonder why any person wants to contribute at all into the project.
>If *that's* the reward.
>I regret I fell into the OpenSolaris trap for so long since 20050614 (and 
>since 2003 at CSW).
>But with such handlings the project won't have a future anyway. Because 
>presumably also other contributors like Alexander will feel fed up rather 
>earlier than later.
>After his Hipster releases the public reactions were also mostly from pathetic 
>to shameful.
>And now: Justice for everyone.
>Y.S., Martin Bochnig
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