On 05/13/16 06:39 PM, Nikola M wrote:
On 05/12/16 11:01 PM, Adam Števko wrote:

Some of us love the Packet Filter (PF) from OpenBSD.

It would be awesome to have this available on illumos as alternative to ipf. We (sjorge and xenol) played around with the idea of a kickstarter. The budget required for that would probably be much more than what we can collect.

But not trying is not a winning move. Is there any other interest in this from anyone in the illumos community?

That would need for it to be implemented also inside zones and to be drop-in replacement for ipfilter. ipfilter might stay there maybe as an alternative if someone wants to use it still , with something similar like "firewall" package that points to new default.

One thing needed would be an Openindiana funds account (possibly managed by Entic.net to

I am not sure why I repeatedly forget that OI's main sponsor for hosting and build machines and everything for all these years is Evercity.co.uk ,
but I am very glad i can fix this error of mine. Thanks Evercity!

avoid any costs for it or something) and at least one funding officer that would make a list about spendings and at least 2 persons in spending decision board.

Question of having an account somewhere, anywhere for Openindiana was pulled no so long ago, too, when several people asked weither OI has a way of contributing money in general for OI needs and funding development, e.g. contributing also with money and not only with testing, using, advocacy, building and coding.

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