On 05/26/16 06:19 PM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
Hello, guys!

So, as you've heard, Aurélien has made a big piece of work converting
x-s12-clone packages to oi-userland format. So we have about +220

They need testing.

I've just compiled everything and put at
http://xzone.oi-build.r61.net:1000/ .

Please, update your systems and report any issues.

Brief instructions:
1) create backup BE
2) update to latest Hipster
3) pkg set-publisher -P -g http://xzone.oi-build.r61.net:1000/ userland
4) pkg set-publisher --non-sticky openindiana.org
5) pkg install pkg://userland/*

Reboot and see if something went wrong.


I have tried to test this, but my zone is preventing step 5)...

Is there any way to avoid steps 3) and 4) on zone? E.G: I would like to avoid changing publishers for zone (it does not use any GUI anyway)?

With best regards.

P.S: thanks
Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

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                      65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
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