As it happens, I was using OI on my laptop up until the point that I could
no longer run it (Intel Graphics, too many applications running Flash),
until my dual boot Linux trashed both itself and the ZFS file system on the
OI partition ... And I had commented on the system that it made a good
solid reliable desktop. (if more laptops had twin disks for ZFS root I'd be
recommending it to a lot more people)

The "Ha Ha" was in fact with you not at you, as I realised that the comment
was most likely aimed at a certain GDA.

I moved on from that laptop to a Dell XPS (that had trouble running windows
10, with it's networking!) which won't take OI, and has Ubuntu 16.04 on it,
but I still have the old Intel laptop around, and I am planning on creating
a USB/ISO of your latest test system to see if your changes work on it,
with feedback, but was so very impressed by the sarcastic comment that I
had to acknowledge it :)

Just my 2cents in case anyone was confused by my response.


On 8 September 2016 at 19:11, Peter Tribble <> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 6:32 AM, Apostolos Syropoulos via
> openindiana-discuss <> wrote:
> > <sarcasm>we do not need flash plugins. This is a server OS </sarcasm>
> >
> A server OS is probably more likely to be a sensible place to have flash,
> as it
> may be properly secured, and may be configured to limit you to accessing
> only
> the business-critical sites you need to get the job done rather than
> leaving you
> open to the whole unsavoury internet. Not having flash is, in most cases, a
> feature not a bug, and has been for a very long time.
> One of the longer-standing irritations I've had with losing flash is that
> the BBC
> relied on it. Now at least they've moved iPlayer to HTML5 so that works
> fine in
> Firefox on illumos without flash.
> --
> -Peter Tribble
> -
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