Am 02.11.2016 um 20:08 schrieb Tim Mooney:
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2016.10 snapshot,

OI Hipster 2016.10 snapshot is ready.

Release notes:

I was already running hipster (last updated about a month ago) so my
experience is with an update, not a fresh install.

The update went without any issues.  The only "problem" I've run into
with 2016.10 is that library/audio/gstreamer/plugin/{bad,ugly,ffmpeg}
haven't been updated in hipster-encumbered yet, so Rhythmbox isn't
terribly useful right now.  I assume those plugin packages will eventually
get a refresh.

After updating to 2016.10 and rebooting, I then installed MATE,
since I hadn't done that yet.  There was one warning from install:

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                              67/67   29027/29027  199.4/199.4

WARNING: menu.lst file /rpool/boot/menu.lst does not exist,
         generating a new menu.lst file

I assume that's because of the switch from grub to loader, and that it
can safely be ignored?  If so, should I update the release notes in the
wiki to mention that?

I like MATE a lot, and it's an easy transition from the old desktop.  I
used the graphical environment switcher on the login screen to go back to
the old environment a couple times, to figure out customizations I had
made to things like terminal profiles, keyboard layout, etc.

I also uninstalled openoffice and followed the directions in the release
notes to install libreoffice.  However, if I try launch any of the
components from the Applications menu, the splash loads but the
application does not start.

Here's what happens when I try run from the command line:

$ libreoffice4.4 soffice.bin: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/ symbol
_ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_: referenced symbol not found

I'm not finding too many web results that are close to this, but the
little info I have found leads me to believe this may be related to Java.
I'll do some additional digging and see if I can figure out what's causing

Overall, the 2016.10 upgrade and the addition of MATE are welcome


Hi Tim,

I had problem with libreoffice (LO) after SFE has changed gcc location. Had to uninstall LO (together with related packages) and install it from scratch. See and comments above. Now it works fine.


Best regards.
Predrag Zečević
Predrag Zečević, Technical Support Analyst, 2e Systems GmbH

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Mobile:    +49  174 3109 288,     Skype: predrag.zecevic

Headquarter:          2e Systems GmbH, Königsteiner Str. 87,
                      65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
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