Hetrick, Joseph P писал 02.11.2016 22:15:
Thanks; will do.

  I didn’t know if it belonged there first (or if anybody else on this
list had seen/tested this).  Fortunately it’s repeatable.

  Is there anyway to acquire a userland prior to 9/16 so we can
install tools?  At the moment it seems that even with some gyrations
with IPS I’m unable to install some packages (gcc..) unless I move to
the more recent userland.

Yes, it's a bit complicated. As build server was updated to rather recent illumos-gate version, you'll not be able to install freshly compiled applications.

With 'pkg list -af package' you can find out package versions, existing in repository and with 'pkg contents -rm ' try to find out its dependencies. If you can satisfy them , you can try installing application using precise fmri. To do it you likely have to relax userland incorporation (http://alp-notes.blogspot.ru/2015/10/userland-incorporation-in-openindiana.html).

But all this is dirty hack... Better try attract attention of some illumos-gate developers ;)
System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

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