>Apart form Christian references.. ;) (that actually never came into life
>or were constantly coming again , for one's frame of reference),

What do you mean by Christian references? Also, are there Muslim references?

>I only see renaming it to 11.x and stating in Alan's posted PDF link,
>S11.x support is there for long after 2021, but 2031 and 2034.

It is a matter of interpretation. Some years ago I was getting many messages
in the solaris-x86 mailing list and now I get one every six months... This 

is an indication that people are not using Solaris anymore. Going further
I would say that Oracle is not making money from Solaris, or at least the
money they were expecting. If Oracle is not making money from Solaris, they 

will shut it down or they will denote it, just like they did with OpenOffice. 

Of course, Apache Open Office is a total failure but this is another story. 

>Openindiana community is better off trying to fix illumos and
>Openindiana issues and prepare to be more production-ready in all
>aspects, including financing, ideas, organization but most importantly
>new maintainers and contributors of all kind.

Yes but this means that all people who want to contribute should be


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

openindiana-discuss mailing list

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