Hello Arhipkin,

I'm not sure that I exactly understand your question.

What I believe that I am reading is that (possibly) the HDD that your OS lives on has died, and you are not able to do a new install over the network, either via Jumpstart or AI.

If my comments above are correct, probably your best choice is to boot and install from an optical drive.

If you do not have OS media, you can download an ISO over the Internet, to include from the OpenIndiana site, assuming that is where you want/need to be, burn your ISO to physical media, then boot + install from that media.

I'm not certain, but it may also be possible that the X2200 can boot & install via a USB key or thumb drive. I'm not certain, you will need to consult your HW manuals for that.

Hope this helps, but if not, please ask your question a different way. Its OK if you are a non.native English speaker.

Good Luck,


On 03/ 1/17 09:54 AM, Илья Архипкин wrote:
Bought a used Sun Fire x2200 server is now to boot from the disk is not
possible, how to install
if the network is not only worth KVM Sun ULTRA 24 SXCE130? In general, how
to install the network if
still does not work boot menu.

Regards Arhipkin Ilya

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