On July 27, 2017 5:05:19 PM GMT+02:00, Daniel Kjar <dk...@elmira.edu> wrote:
>My old hardware is dying and I want to move my system to a virtualized 
>environment.  I have been digging for ways to do this but I am not sure
>if I am starting to get frustrated.  I wanted to do flarcreate but 
>apparently that never happened for solaris 11.  I then looked at 
>conversion P2V stuff but that led nowhere but to some proprietary tools
>I had don't have a license for.  Currently I am installing a 
>distro-const iso into Virtualbox but I suspect that is not going to 
>produce what I need (a pure clone of my old machine).
>It is only  a single rpool (file storage is NFSed in from another box).
>Any suggestions?  zfs send the rpool to the new virtual machine I made 
>using distro-const?  Will that even work being the rpool and all?  is 
>there some super easy dd way that I am missing? This system has been 
>running for over a decade and is crusty as hell, I doubt there is any 
>way I could rebuild it from scratch so I would rather not.  I don't
>the time to try and get perl and imagemagick working together again.
>[root@bio2:~]>zpool status
>   pool: rpool
>  state: ONLINE
>scan: scrub repaired 0 in 1h58m with 0 errors on Mon Jan  2 16:31:55
>         NAME          STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>         rpool         ONLINE       0     0     0
>           mirror-0    ONLINE       0     0     0
>             c4t0d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
>             c4t1d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
>errors: No known data errors
>[root@bio2:~]>zfs list
>NAME                          USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>rpool                         205G  23.6G  46.5K  /rpool
>rpool/ROOT                    192G  23.6G    31K  legacy
>rpool/ROOT/openindiana       14.7M  23.6G  5.64G  /
>rpool/ROOT/openindiana-1     50.8M  23.6G  6.34G  /
>rpool/ROOT/openindiana-a8-1  42.0M  23.6G  98.8G  /
>rpool/ROOT/openindiana-a8-2  14.2M  23.6G   104G  /
>rpool/ROOT/openindiana-a8-3   192G  23.6G   119G  /
>rpool/dump                   6.00G  23.6G  6.00G  -
>rpool/swap                   6.38G  29.8G   135M  -
>openindiana-discuss mailing list

You might have some luck starting the VM using an ISO image to get networking 
there and make an rpool, and then zfs-send the original machine's datasets 
recursively to the new one. After that you can enable the rootfs dataset and 
get the loader or grub to boot it up, and probably fiddle with various /etc/ 
files to address hardware changes.

Otherwise, quite doable - I've done a fair bit of dual-booted systems with OI 
in a partition so it can run both as a native OS and as a VirtualBox from 
another OS (one at a time of course, and have to import-export rpool with 
firefly recovery image or a liveusb, to address storage device paths change), 
and systems set up initially in VBox and then expanded to physical hardware, 
and the opposite too. 

So while you can have some adventure on the technical side, the general 
approach certainly works, both ways.

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Android

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