Friends I pour out a little positive understand me correctly, but on the
Internet and discourses I hear a lot of controversy from Ukraine about the
fact that America has created much that Russia only can steal and dalle a
lot of foul language. I so do not think that ordinary American so spoke
about Russia, I never argued that the operational system was created by
Americans, in general something revolutionary is being done, and then it is
simply adopted in circles and science can not belong to any nation. For
example, my homeland of the inventor of the radio looks like a modest city,
but why then Edison is considered the inventor of radio and in general
Tobolsk is then a mecca for chemists. Ukraine takes a lot on itself, she
accuses us of shooting Zvorykin. Let them ask Stalin if he signed
personally the shooting of Zvorykin? The same 37 year when Ukraine was shot
by the fifth column, no one could control the execution of orders and order
in the NKVD

Regards, Arhipkin Ilya

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