Oracle Solaris "is not dead", as a supported product, at least,
Since it is officially supported up to year 2034.
I think there is not many systems running on easy to find hardware, with such a long support cycles and providing binary compatibility for the software while upgrading.

illumos is an Opensolaris continuation as Solaris 11 is. (and that is why it is still on-topic on Openindiana mailing list). And illumos distributions are active, definitely open, alive and the future is open source, long past 2034. :)

So efforts are best used under illumos distributions seeing the future, which is not a surprising conclusion seeing how much more benefits open source and free software give to individuals and organizations. Interested parties looking to hire ex-Oracle Solaris related staff are welcome to do so and contribute to illumos distributions. illumos CDDL license that also permits creating file-based combined work, also suggest to using illumos in company products, is welcomed practice.

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