On 08/09/2017 14:44, James Carlson via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On 09/07/17 16:50, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Ok, but what is the problem?
What is the output and stderr of your zpool create cXtYdZp2 command?
Does it gives any error?
After more searching I concluded that the command should be
# zpool create -f utank c13t0d0s2

The logical Node was  /dev/rdsk/c13t0d0p0and format --> partition --> print 
showed that slice 2 is the one where I can store data.
I have also used fdisk to delete all partitions and thenparted to create the 
NTFS partition. In order to create thefile system I have used
# zfs create utank/External  #chown -R user:group /utank/External

Now I can use the partition!
p2 is, by convention, "whole disk" when using old-style partitioning.
If you're using that and you've partitioned the disk, I think you've
trashed your NTFS partition or (worse) you have an overlap.

Are you sure?  What exactly does "format" say about the partition map?


On x86, p0 is the whole disk, and p1-4 are the 4 primary FDISK partitions.

s0-15 are slices in the Solaris FDISK partition, with s2 by convention being the whole Solaris FDISK partition, overlapping all the other slices in the Solaris FDISK partition.

On SPARC, there is no FDISK partitioning. s0-7 are slices on the disk, and s2 is the whole disk by convention, overlapping all other slices on the disk.



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