On 10/ 1/17 10:03 AM, Jerry Kemp wrote:
I don't believe that this page is anything new.

OS X has been open since the beginning, with the exclusion of their "Aqua" GUI, or what ever it is currently called.

Yes, open source core of Apple's OS is called Darwin and were published regularly by Apple all these years. Darwin had some open distributions, but they couldn't be fully compatible with OSX/MacOS because of those proprietary GUI libraries etc. I wonder what is new here, since Apple publish it in open (while adding their proprietary parts when making a producst) for quite some time.. Ah yes, their core of ARM OSes is now open as well..

Even it created success and big income for the company, I think that proprietary/one hardware producer combination does not work on market anymore. Yeah, some of their products are great, yet always overpriced and in Europe. Apple, since it's beginning, lacked with support, availability, prices and market philosophy and any real presence worth mentioning.

Last time I got excited about any Apple product is when they still had rainbow-apple logos on their cases. :) .. and that was the time before multimedia PCs and free software operating systems. My first OS on internet was Linux with X and Netscape in 1995/6 and since then I knew how much everything proprietary basically does not need a reason to exist.

While Microsoft killed Nokia and let go the brand and hardware business to the other company, for the next 10 years, and violently killed open source Symbian project as their strategic move to kill opponents, now Windows phone is killed by Microsoft (by as soon as 2018) So controlling platform tightly and keep it proprietary, is more the way to the abyss then to the bright future of any product, software or hardware one.

About free vs proprietary, Openindiana/illumos currently uses Nvidia proprieatary drivers for desktop graphics cards and even they funcion great and Nvidia have probably best long term proprietary driver support, AMD lacks same level of commitment , but AMD now have open source drivers that could be supported and maintained by illumos community, so more effort and people is needed on making them work..

Maybe real reaction on this is: Any volunteers to continue porting of illumos to ARM? :)

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