On 27.01.2018 15:14, Nikola M wrote:
On 01/25/18 08:52 PM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
On 25.01.2018 20:49, Nikola M wrote:

But actually, when issuing command to install mate_install I get this
error message..
.. So how to actually install mate/lightdm?

As always, it's 'update your system first' in IPS dialect (it seems old packages (@..16350) were removed from the repo).
Likely, you want to do it in new BE.
System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

Seems like mate_install depends on diskinfo
and diskinfo is removed, without dependencies checked.

It's not removed, just old version was removed from the repository. And osnet-incorporation doesn't allow you to install new version.
Update your system and everything will be fine.

System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

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