To be clear, Virtualbox's GUI does not run as non-root if hardening is
enabled seemingly due to some loading security mechanism.
The GUI runs as root.
Headless runs as expected.

On 11/16/18, Stephan Althaus <> wrote:
> Hello!
> Short story:
> I managed to build VirtualBox successfully. The target system is on
> SunOS dell 5.11 illumos-b75eb7e6b5 i86pc i386 i86pc
> VirtualBox does not run on my target machine complaining about
> VirtualBox: fatal: open failed: No such file
> or directory
> VirtualBox: fatal: relocation error: file
> /usr/lib/qt/5.8/plugins/amd64/platforms/ symbol
> _ZN15QXcbIntegrationC1ERK11QStringListRiPPc: referenced symbol not found
> I will investigate further - tomorrow evening maybe..
> LONG story
> My Package can be found and installed by doing this:
> #pkg unset-publisher userland
> #pkg set-publisher -g userland
> #pkg refresh
> #pkg install
> pkg://userland/system/virtualbox@5.2.22,5.11-2018.0.0.0:20181116T220242Z
> i tried and managed to get the sources of oi-userland virtualbox with
> date 2018/11/13
> First error when building:
> /tank/src/oi-userland/components/sysutils/virtualbox/build/amd64/src/VBox/Devices/Audio/DrvHostOSSAudio.cpp:22:27:
> fatal error: sys/soundcard.h: No such file or directory
>   #include <sys/soundcard.h>
>                             ^
> i installed
> #pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-audio
> to fix that.
> Then, qt5 was not found. In the output i found a hint to do
> source ./build/amd64/
> But, QT5 was still not found. The directory stated in the was not
> correct for my system.
> The QT PATH in the Makefile was set to /usr/qt/5, i changed that to
> /usr/lib/qt/5.8
> next missing packages:
> #pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-usb
> #pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-ugen
>   -- maybe i forgot to gmake env-prep before this all..
> Finally, after install on the target system,
> it does not run complaining about
> #pkg install qt5
>    :-D
> Greetings,
> Stephan
> On 14.11.18 20:40, Till Wegmüller wrote:
>> Hi Tim
>> It is quite hard to get to Feature parity with Virtualbox when it comes
>> to Desktop Features. Both KVM and bHyve have traditionally been more
>> used in the Server and Cloud Market. However I believe some workarounds
>> can be made.
>> First Proper Graphics Integration. I have since long ago stopped using
>> any Virtualmachine Console for something like daily work with a GUI
>> (Windows) The Built in RDP Server available in almost any Windows
>> Version is massively Powerfull and the FOSS Implementation xfreerdp
>> works well for many Use cases. Including Clipbord sharing any much more.
>> Using the Virtual Machines Remote Desktop Capability is what you want in
>> most cases.
>> RedHat tried to offer a competing Product to Microsofts RDP with Spice
>> but did not succeed that much. And as is unfortunately common with
>> RedHat Software it makes heavy use of Linux exclusive functionality.
>> Both bHyve and QEMU use VNC as default. TigerVNC which we have packaged
>> should allow for Good resolution and Clipboard Sharing. You may need the
>> Virtio Windows Dirvers and the Quemu Guest Agent though. I would guess
>> since Virtualbox also uses software on the Guest for this purpose.
>> bHyve looks like to be a step Back when it comes to Desktop features.
>> As for Resolution. This depends very much on the Graphics device Qemu
>> presents to the VM. We seem to have cirrus, qxl, vmware and std
>> available. I believe std is vesa. At least qxl, cirrus and vmware should
>> be able to support 1080p Dsktop resolutions. You will need to pass the
>> correct -vga option when starting the VM.
>> As for shared Folders. The situation seems a lot better here for both
>> KVM and bHyve. Both Support virtio-9p aka VirtFS. Which has kernel
>> drivers for at least Linux which can use the Filesystem as Root
>> apparently. Unfortunatly Windows Driver Work is not yet that complete
>> see [0]. But with some Poking of both the ReactOS and the virtio-win
>> Community this will be the way to go for shared folders. What remains as
>> a question is if we have virtio-9p support compiled with our version of
>> Qemu as it is quite recent. See [1] for examples of usage.
>> While finishing this mail I noticed the Features list on freerdp [2]. It
>> has everything you wanted. Given the feature compiles in Illumos. I
>> think the Quickest way to get to feature parity is using Windows RDP
>> server and Freedrp.
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Researching Greetings
>> Till
>> On 11/14/18 07:37 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
>>> In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox, Stephan Althaus
>>> said...:
>>>> If you are on OmniOs / Omniosce, you have Bhyve.
>>>> You can use that instead of virtualbox.
>>>> With Openindiana, you could use QEMU-KVM as well..
>>>> What are your personal reasons not to do so?
>>> There was a thread a couple weeks ago where some people, myself included,
>>> posted some of the reasons why they had previously found VirtualBox
>>> preferrable to KVM.  The "feature parity" part of the thread kind of
>>> starts with my post:
>>> Tim
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