Hi Till,

thanks for strongly pointing to tip!

It looks like FF really needs so much swap...
I have started it with swap size = double of RAM (16GB), but...
Now, my memory:swap ratio is 1:3 and tabs appeared back. Will keep testing...

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević

On 04/29/19 11:03, Till Wegmüller wrote:
Hi Predrag

Have you checked the SWAP thing mentioned by Michal in the release Mail?
Not having enough SWAP is usually what causes Firefox to refuse to open
Content Subprozesses.


On 29.04.19 10:30, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
Hi all,

nice news! This morning I have updated it and noticed few things I want
to share:
a) it throws messages like:
[Parent 4889, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: Failed to launch tab subprocess:
line 524
[Parent 4889, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: Failed to launch tab subprocess:
line 524
[Parent 4889, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: Failed to launch tab subprocess:
line 524

b) does not "remembers" tabs (both pinned and normal ones) on restart -
that I find every annoying - also could be related to errors shown above


On 04/28/19 18:30, Michal Nowak wrote:
As of today Firefox 60.6.1 ESR is available in the hipster repository.

This version brings major changes compared to the former 52 ESR
version. Thanks to it's "Quantum" Rust core, Firefox is way more
performant in web rendering than it used to be. Some web sites (like
GitHub) are now working properly again.

Although not required, as for every major Firefox upgrade, backup of
~/.mozilla/ is advised.

However, there are challenges as well. Most notably:

1) Memory usage is higher.

Make sure that you have enough swap. If Firefox suddenly stops, pkg or
Thunderbird crash or other processes report memory errors or fork()
problems, check if you have enough swap available for reservation by:

    $ swap -sh

Optionally extend swap to match your memory requirements, e.g.:

    $ zfs get volsize rpool/swap
    $ pfexec zfs set volsize=24g rpool/swap
    $ pfexec reboot

Personally, I had to extend swap space to 24 GB. My physical memory to
swap ratio is now 2:3.

You can limit Firefox memory usage by following (2) below.

2) As Firefox uses parallel threads, peak CPU load may be higher
(though the benefit is that things get done faster).

By default Firefox uses up to 4 content threads. You can limit CPU and
memory usage by explicitly lowering the amount of content threads used:

Preferences -> General -> Performance -> uncheck "Use recommended
performance settings" -> set "Content process limit" to lower number

3) Some users reported problems with add-ons. Should you encounter
problems with Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin maybe of a good replacement.

Given Firefox 60 ESR lifetime (see
we already started working on Firefox 68 ESR.


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Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
mob: +49 - 174 - 3109288
fax: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 94
e-mail: predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com

headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Koenigsteiner Str. 87, 65812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
registration: Amtsgericht Koenigstein (Germany), HRB 7303
managing director: Phil Douglas

http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!

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