Thanks Predrag for your testing, very much appreciated.

Sadly, I am afraid I don't know enough audio stuff to be of help with your mic issue...


On 01/02/20 10:17 AM, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:
On 12/23/19 13:51, Espen Martinsen wrote:

    VB 6.1.0
    Scaled mode works
    Full screen works
    Seamless on w10 with VboxSVGA  do not work, I've never used it som I
dont' know if it has ever worked.
         - It alwost works, can toggle on/off, windows is coming in theri
own window, but Win-menu cannot be opened.

    Seamless on debian-variant (4.19) and VMSVGA  works fine.

    Both w10 and Kali (the debian variant) was tested with additions
first 6.0.4 and then upgraded to 6.1.0.

    Both w10 and Kali plays "Merry Christmas Mr Bean" from youtube very

    I'm sorry I cannot test microphone, it have never even worked in
host-OS (hardware-error).


On 12/21/19 4:11 PM, Michal Nowak via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On 12/20/19 03:48 PM, Espen Martinsen wrote:

$pfexec pkg update --be-name OIhipster-20191220

$ uname -a
SunOS esmpc 5.11 illumos-028b5df8ad i86pc i386 i86pc illumos

$ pkg list -H virtualbox
system/virtualbox                                 6.0.14-2019.0.0.0

$pfexec beadm create -d Testing_VB610 VBtest
$pfexec beadm activate VBtest


$pfexec pkg uninstall system/virtualbox

### putting the .p5p files in /var/userland ###

$pfexec pkg unset-publisher  "*"
$pfexec pkg set-publisher-p/var/userland/virtualbox_6.1_20191219.p5p
$pfexec pkg uninstallentire@0.5.11-2018.0.0.0
$pfexec pkg uninstall consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation
$pfexec pkg install virtualbox
$pfexec pkg list -H virtualbox
$system/virtualbox (userland)
6.1.0-2019.0.0.0           i--


Additions from on win10 guest:  Sound Absolutely very
(setting HostAudio: PulseAudio, Controller: Intel HD Audio)
That's great, Espen! Can you also check that Seamless Mode works (if
it worked before)?


Hi Espen, Michal, all.

Happy New year to all of you! I am looking forward for new stuff on OI...

Finally I have managed to test VB 6.1. After installing it into separate BE, rebooting, adding VBOX Additions, I have booted my win10 guest.

Seamless mode works as before (not perfect, but usable).
There is nothing else which makes guest to run worse then in VB 6.0.

I still have microphone problem in guest (work on OI - tested). That is probably consequence of some problems on host: pulseaudio "works", but volume applet cannot control it (also dow not show hardare device it uses). I am using NVIDIA driver 440 (not OI one - that also might cause some problems. BTW, tried to remove it and use OI one, but X server dies - another problem to solve)

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević

P.S. I have decided to keep VB 6.1 (maybe, if I have time, will try some linux guests with GUI and Audio):

:; pfexec pkg unset-pulisher userland
:; pfexec pkg set-publisher -O --search-first
:; pfexec init 6

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