Running a couple months old OI update
I use simple mirrored pairs for yrs now.
This is not a commercial operation or even a very serious homeboy HOST.

I had a disk failure some time ago that is one of the mirrored boot
disks. I have yet to fix that.

They were a pair of 700 GB disks I had on hand so used them for the
boot root disk pair some yrs ago now.  They are now a bit old and may
be hard to replace with matching new disk

   . . . (Hope this doesn't all just sound like gobbledy goop) ...

Because of the hefty 700gb size for root OS and boot bits, overtime
I've allowed data filesystems to creep onto them.

Of course I need to replace the bad disk. 

I want to reduce the size of the boot disks anyway and totally avoid
having any data but OS on them. So, first off I will get the extra FS
off of working  boot disk.  (I currently have plenty of room)

So wondering a bit about how to proceed from there.

I think I'd like to replace the bad disk with new 250 GB HDD.

Assuming the data on the remaining boot 700gb disk is smaller than 250
gb, (In the actual case it will be a good bit smaller and only contain
OS) will the silvering of new smaller disk work?

Will the 700 GB and 250 GB be able to pair that way?

Will it be possible to transfer the boot bits to the new 250 GB?

And finally:
Once able to boot from the new 250 gb, I would then replace the other
700 GB with another 250 gb that matches the first.

Thus ending with a matched pair of 250 GB disks holding OS and boot

Is that process even possible in the way described?

   ... Or ...

Would I be ahead of the game by exporting all but root FS
Replacing the 700gb disks with pair of new 250s and reinstall from
latest OI release?

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