Setup: running latest updates of OI/hipster on;
HDW: HP wx8600 2x XEON 5600

psrinfo -vp

The physical processor has 4 virtual processors (0 2 4 6)
  x86 (GenuineIntel 1067A family 6 model 23 step 10 clock 3333 MHz)
        Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU           X5470  @ 3.33GHz

uname -a
  SunOS 2x 5.11 illumos-f0b6369dcf i86pc i386 i86pc
-------       -------       ---=---       -------       ------- 

I'm having problems with virtualbox running on above hardware since a
recent upgrade that put me at version:

  system/virtualbox                                 6.1.16-2020.0.1.1

During bootup I see about only 2/3 of character space of the
lines. The bottom 1/3 is gone.

Keyboard does'nt function at all after logging in.

During login when pressing keys it only leaves a tiny mark that looks
something like an inverted dash followed closely by an
apostrophe. Only at about 1/5 size, and high on what would be the text

No normal letters appear as I press keys to login, only the tiny thing
described above. But if I type the uid and password with the right
keys, even though they do not appear in the txt boxes, I can still

Once logged in keyboard does not make any kind of marks in xterm or
any other tools that require text input.

But again I can run commands if I'm careful about getting the keys
right.  Once I press `enter' the command runs and the keys typed then
appear on the xterm.

This all started following an update of openindiana-2020:11:02.  A few
days later really since I didn't reboot right away.

Updated again openindiana-2020:11:17 but the problems persist.

Do we maintain any of the older versions of virtualbox somewhere that
I can install with pkg command?

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