On 2021-01-22 17:42, Hung Nguyen Gia wrote:
You said you used the text install so I assume it's non-graphical installation?

Then better use ssh and work on your comfortable workstation with a handy terminal
emulator like XFCE4 Terminal.

If it's graphical, I'm out of idea. I don't use NVIDIA.
Thanks for the reply!
Well yes. I'm at the console ATM. But I notice it's pretty well the same
when I was testing with the GUI installer. So I'm guessing I'm not getting
graphics mode. But rather, the framebuffer.
I'll see if I can figure it all out after I finish getting all the packages
I need installed, and update the BE.

Thanks again! :-)


---- On Sat, 23 Jan 2021 08:34:13 +0700 Chris <oi...@bsdos.info> wrote ----

 > I'm on Nvidia graphics.
 > But it looks like my console is running an 800x600 VESA
 > framebuffer. As a result. The screen draws are REAL slow.
 > How to best improve that on OI? I change to modsetting
 > on FreeBSD. But I don't think that's available on OI?
 > Thanks!
 > --Chris
 > --
 > ~10yrs a FreeBSD maintainer of ~160 ports
 > ~40yrs of UNIX
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