On 2021-01-22 22:58, Hung Nguyen Gia via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Are they compatible? Could I use UFS for data exchange purpose?

UFS is available on all BSDs, including one doesn't support ZFS. So it's a better
portable FS than ZFS.

But I'm a bit pessimistic, because each BSD's UFS is different to the other. e.g: FreeBSD's UFS2 doesn't mountable under DragonflyBSD, which only supports UFS1.
FWIW Dragonfly was forked to show off the hammer filesystem he created. As such,
not much interest in keeping ffs in sync.
Truth is; ffs was created by BSD. Anyway. I'm betting the differences, if any, are minimal. It would be trivial to experiment on a couple USB sticks if you don't have
a couple spare platters.

Good question. Glad you brought it up.

So I don't expect much.

BTW, our UFS is UFS2 or UFS1 or something else?
_technically_ it's ffs v ffs2. Hope that helps. :-)

Please let me know. Thanks.

~10yrs a FreeBSD maintainer of ~160 ports
~40yrs of UNIX

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