Perhaps I can say some things here that others can’t. I’m a totally neutral 
party in all of this. I don’t use Illumos or any derivatives. I simply observe 
this forum as a passive interest from my past.

I’m a retired Software Engineer/Architect that used to work in the industry in 
major computer vendors and ISVs on systems-level software. Amongst a multitude 
of operating systems and many many *nixes, I started with the Solaris precursor 
SunOS in the mid-80’s. Throughout my career I always felt that Solaris was FAR 
superior to any other alternative and so did most of my employers. That 
includes the broader free/open software community of much of the last 40 years. 
10 years ago you couldn’t have found a bigger fan of Solaris and the Solaris 
community. But even then I had departed the world of Solaris on the 
desktop/notebook in favor of MacOS.

From my perspective, the tragic end of Sun has all but destroyed Solaris. The 
efforts of a few to continue on with Illumos and derivatives has been 
commendable. For some the results have been adequate for their own use and 
warrants their further involvement. Regrettably, I am not one of them.

I would suggest that people that are not coming from a previous Solaris 
background are far beyond reasonable expectations if they think Illumos or 
derivative is something that will broadly compete with other modern 

I personally think Linux is junk and I avoid it unless there is absolutely no 
other choice - and that is always in deeply embedded small-scale situations. I 
use FreeBSD a bit for some things (cloud server and pfSense firewall for 
examples). I have a single home server still running Solaris that I only use 
for our family storage (which will likely transition to TrueNAS/FreeBSD at some 
point). Mac Pro and MacBook Pro round out the rest of my daily environments.

You’ve got to understand that Linux is successful because of inertia - the mass 
of so many people and companies behind it. The reason most things work ok is 
because of the many people who have a stake in it. Even the most obscure 
embedded board gets Linux support first. That doesn’t make the foundational 
technology any better - and in fact it is crap in many cases - but it fulfills 
the “good enough” mantra of modern times. Despite its apparent good looks to 
many, there is a pretty obvious cesspool in the dozens and dozens of 
distributions each with their own strengths and weaknesses and 
incompatibilities. FreeBSD is more organized and elegant in many ways and there 
is a certain quality over quantity focus. It isn’t as broad because it doesn’t 
have the same scale of community.

Illumos and derivatives just don’t have the scale of community to support the 
breadth of features (and support) that many people expect - which includes you 
(and me). It’s not the fault of any in the community and there are no bad 
intentions on the part of any of them. You can’t expect a few people to give 
you the functionality and support of 10’s of thousands. I wish the ecosystem 
was usable by myself but I recognize the realty.

You’re never going to be happy with this situation (and it’s never going to 
change) so I suggest it would be best to abandon it and move on.

> On Jan 25, 2021, at 8:28 PM, Hung Nguyen Gia via openindiana-discuss 
> <> wrote:
> Thank you. But I would rather know how to do this myself.
> BTW, I know FreeBSD, too.
> Things may not be as simple as you see.
> BSD scheme maybe incompatible with Solaris scheme.
> We would rather wait the people who really know the system reply to us.
> If they even care, at all.
> Forget me and continue with your adventure.
> Please don't say with me you spend these previous days all troubled with OI 
> installation and setup but no actual progress in building packages!
> Because very deep in me my intuition said with me it's  to be so!
> If you don't mind, please tell a bit about your progress.
> I'm still waiting for your XFCE4.
> Good luck with your adventure.
> p/s: which FreeBSD forums account name of your? Maybe we know each other.
> I'm a notorious SPAMMER and TROLL on this forums (at least the MODs 
> considered me to be so) and get BANNED I think forever from it. They banned 
> my country's whole IP range just because of me!
> Just recently, I found they lifted the BAN. I could access this forums now 
> and just tried to register again.
> To be honest, I can't stand the members' FreeBSD first attitude. I tried my 
> best, sacrificed my personal character, to EXPOSE that their OS is not the 
> BEST and there are many things LINUX does BETTER.
> So I get HATRED. The same as I'm being HATRED on this mailing list.
> Today I'm more mentally stable than me of the past. I'm no longer passionate 
> in anything.
> Maybe if I could get my account accepted I will just do my own business I 
> don't care what the heck about their OS.
> All of the minor OS community so far have the same illness: ARROGANT and 
> I will just get my job done and gone. I learned a painful truth: Apart from 
> Linux, FreeBSD is the best free alternative OS. FreeBSD is superior to any 
> Illumos!
> After my encounter with the Solaris/Illumos community, I would rather give my 
> title I formerly give for FreeBSD, LoudMouthOS, to them.
> They talk too much, most of the information is obsolete with modern Linux, 
> they always think they are somewhat SUPERIOR even the fact is they are FADING 
> to DEATH.
> Let's they DEAD with their own EGO.
> I think I still keep the title BDSM/OS for FreeBSD, though. The FreeBSD 
> forums is a big animal farm with it censorship. Every time I posted on it, I 
> feel like I'm practicing BDSM!

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