OK just dragged a Dell Optiplex 790 off the shelf
with a 4 core 8 thread i5 CPU in it, and as much RAM
as I could jam in it.
boot UEFI
SATA ahci
I've tried 2 different Nvidia cards, as well as the
intermal video. The results are the same;
2.5 minutes to get to the OI banner/boot options.
An additiona 3.5 to draw the OI banner/options screen.
It takes ~0.5 seconds to draw each cell. To be clear;
I'm not complaining here. Rather, I'm trying to
pinpoint WTF is going wrong in hopes of overcoming
the problem. I've attempted to put OI on 3 different
computers now, and the results have all been
underwhelming in the console dept.

Any thoughts?

Thank you for all your time, and consideration.


~10yrs a FreeBSD maintainer of ~160 ports
~40yrs of UNIX

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