I've been running an hp xw8600 for several years and for about 5-6 of
those yrs running openindiana OS.

A month ago or so I shutdown OI to change out a couple of disks.

Once I did that I have not been able to use any of the oi installation
media I've made up.  Both usb stick and DVD fails to boot,  No matter
how I set the boot order. And even though those  same stick media will
boot my HP Z800 to live media for OI install.

I've tried all I can think, changing usb ports,  Trying ISO from CD.
The xw8600 has two of those,  I set the boot order to CDrom first but it
goes right buy with out a response and tries to boot from disk.

Finally I got really sick of not having my zfs machine and booted that
dog with usb with ubuntu media which went off without a problem.

Very discouraging.  Now running ubuntu with zfs on root.
Several times since I've tried newly made up usb sticks.  And again
any one of the three I've made will boot my HP Z800 with no problem.

So the sob story kind of ends there...

I'm out of ideas and running ubuntu with zfs on that host.  I still
want OI on it.

So, I'm hoping someone here will have sage advice about booting from
network somehow.

Is there a way to circumvent both usb and DVD boots and do something
over the network to get oi installed?

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