On 2021-02-05 15:44, Joshua M. Clulow via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On Fri, 5 Feb 2021 at 15:40, Chris <oi...@sunos.info> wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to reply, Toomas! :-)
OK we have a winner! Thanks to some advice from Toomas:
adding: console=text to /boot/conf.d/console
which I later moved to /boot/loader.conf.local (console="text")
followed by commenting the console= line from /boot/default/loader.conf
I now have speed to boot menu that is close to the
OI-hipster-text-20191106.usb install I mentioned earlier in this thread.
While the screen still isn't as fast as the other some half dozen OSs
I use. It's not so slow I can't work with it. :-)
So a HUGE thanks go out to everyone here on the list, that chimed in
to help out -- THANK YOU! :-)

Does that mean loader is, on at least this machine, struggling with
writes to a serial port which isn't there, perhaps?  (More concretely:
why does that help?)
Yes. It's polling for all possible cons. It does so for the sake of
remote ACCESS/INSTALLS as well as local (video). There's also a
"headless" option.


~10yrs a FreeBSD maintainer of ~160 ports
~40yrs of UNIX

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