Following hints from others, I used a *working* copy of gparted to put a GPT 
label on a 5 TB disk in advance of attempting to install OI.

I took photos of the screen should anyone question this, but I don't see a 
reason to post them lest they cost someone on a measured connection.  After the 
OI fail, I booted gparted and took a picture of what it reported to verify that 
it was what I had done.

The simple fact of the matter is both the text and the GUI install completely 
ignore the GPT label on the disk. 

I created a 2 GB partition, a 100 GB partition and allocated the rest of the 
disk to a 3rd partition.  I then booted the OI disk which ignored the 
partitioning and refused to use more than 2 TB.

This is simply a failure to actually test the image before release.  Relative 
to creating a distribution ISO image, testing it is vanishingly little work.  I 
do not know and do not care whose neck this albatross should be hung around.  
But I firmly hope that those who do know remove this person from the role.  
This does more damage to OI than can be described.  I have multiple Z400s and 
an Ultra 20 as well as several functional older machines.  I shall be more than 
happy to test an install image before it is put up for general use.

I was, and still am willing to work on OI.  But the lack of anything resembling 
cooperation makes that rather difficult.  The computer is the final arbiter.  
If OI fails on a system Sun certified for Solaris 10 there is a very serious QC 
issue.  You can't blame this on the difficulties posed by "arbitrary hardware".


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