‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, March 1, 2021 8:58 PM, cretin1997 via openindiana-discuss 
<openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:

> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Thursday, February 25, 2021 9:14 AM, cretin1997 via openindiana-discuss 
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org wrote:
> > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> > On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 6:38 PM, cretin1997 via openindiana-discuss 
> > openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org wrote:
> >
> > > Could you consider port this very essential library from Linux to OI? I 
> > > know ALSA is Linuxism. But Linuxism has spread into many applications. 
> > > Now ALSA library is a hard requirement for sound support on Unix-like 
> > > platforms of some applications. They are first developed on Linux and as 
> > > ALSA library has been ported to many other Unix-like OSes as well, they 
> > > just set ALSA library as a hard requirement. Of course a skillful 
> > > developer could patch the code to use the platform specific facility. But 
> > > I'm not one of them and ALSA library is the last piece to be able to 
> > > build the software on OI. Please help.
> > > ALSA library is available on all BSDs. The only Unix-like OS doesn't have 
> > > ALSA library is OpenIndiana/Illumos.
> > > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> > > openindiana-discuss mailing list
> > > openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> > > https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
> >
> > No one interested?
> > Currently I could build this with a small hack:
> > https://github.com/cnjinhao/nana
> > But no sound at all. Because of no ALSA library.
> > Please note that ALSA library and ALSA itself is not the same.
> > Porting ALSA library doesn't mean you need to pull in the whole Linux sound 
> > infrastructure.
> > Please have a look at it.
> > openindiana-discuss mailing list
> > openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> > https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
> No one care about this?
> It's just a small library, but it helps many applications.
> Do you ever care about the productivity of your users? I think not. Please 
> don't tell me port it myself. Because if I can, I already did it.
> Or do you want me to ask for the mercy of pkgsrc? No, absolutely no. I saw 
> there is a ALSA library port on pkgsrc. But the weakness of pkgsrc is it's 
> not integrate with the system. I will ended up building everything as it 
> dependencies even though I have no use for them! pkgsrc doesn't use system 
> library. It always build it own. It's a huge waste of time and most of the 
> time it failed to build one random dependency and render the whole thing 
> failed, too.
> Using OI as a workstation to do software development is impossible. Your OS 
> is too useless. What's the use of it? A graphical server with a web browser 
> so you could surf the web while working with your server via a graphical 
> interface? This is too primitive to be even called a desktop. But if you say 
> so, I will stop to expect anything more from OI.
> Best regards.
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

Please don't blame everything on Linuxism. Linuxism is a reality we have to 
live with. I know definitely someone will go and shout to my face about 
Linuxism, we are a small team, port it yourself we welcome patches, blah 
blah... Some old school die hard Unix veterans will come and shout to my face 
you youngster!, Unix as an IDE!, blah blah... No. I don't care. By IDE I mean a 
real IDE, not a discipline. I don't care about your discipline, to be clear.

Even if doing the development enjoying all of the modern tools on Linux and 
only build the software to deploy on OI, it's still a lot of troubles. Getting 
the library you use to build and work on OI is already a showstopper. Why do 
you even dream of more software running on OI? It's unrealistic!

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