According to the HP repair parts page, there are only 2 MB versions. A 4 slot 
and the later 6 slot. My test and regular Hipster system have 4 slots. The 6 
slot machine runs Sol 10.

My Hipster 2017.10 instance is now happily resilvering the root pool. It had no 
issues importing the test pool I created on the WD 4 TB drive using Solaris 10 
u8. It did require a visit to Debian to put a proper GPT label on it, but after 
that was in place "format -e /dev/rdsk/??????" happily let me create a 
slice/partition and I was working with minimal fuss. Some how a 0 partition 
made with 2020.10 wound up as s2 instead of s0. But u8 was happy to let me 
create an empty s2 slice and s0 became valid usinf "format -e". Go figure.

Once again Solaris and ZFS demonstrate their robustness. I've lost at least 2 
disks and had 2 or more bad connection (i.e. reseating cables cured it) faults. 
No data loss according to ZFS. I have to take it at its word as I can't 
possibly check all the disk space. This is over the course of 10-12 years. My 
Ultra 20 didn't have any redundancy. However, I also didn't have a problem with 

I used to run OI on an Atom powered netbox, but Firefox became too bloated to 
run on a 2 GB RAM system, so I had to switch to the Z400. That's led to heat 
build up issues if I have 2-3 of them running in a 7' x 10' space.

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