On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 04:15:05 PM GMT+2, Stephan Althaus 
<stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:  
>Hello and welcome!
Well I am old member of this list ;-)

>Yes, there is an open issue for this. For more informatione search for 
>"automount" on the oi-dev mailing list. (June, October)

Yes I participated in this discussion.
>You may want to try this hint from David Stes:
># svcadm restart hal
># svcadm enable rmvolmgr

This does not work on my system! 

# eject -l
/dev/dsk/c9t1d0s2    cdrom,cdrom0,cd,cd0,sr,sr0

However, as I noted in my previous message, automount works on systems thatdo 
not have USB3 ports. Yes these are vcry old systems but still there are 
Kindest regards,A.S.

----------------------Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece


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