I have only read this thread very superficially, but LTO tape (linear tape open)


LTO-8 has native raw capacity of about 12TB so attaching a LTO-8 drive may be 
an option.

The same page says, by the way, that LTO-9 is supposed to have 18TB native 
but "delayed to late 2021" (which is now).

Given the fact that the compressed capacity of LTO-8 is 30TB you are probably 
still well below the limits of a single LTO8 tape,
that is, it is quite possible that if you have less than 30TB of data, you can 
make a backup to a LTO-8 drive.

David Stes

----- Op 1 dec 2021 om 18:08 schreef Mehmet Erol Sanliturk 

> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 2:55 PM Michelle <miche...@msknight.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to achieve a resilient way of bringing together all my older
>> drives for a backup solution using scraps of whatever I can get my
>> hands on.
>> I have closing on 12TB of data so even the 10 won't be enough to back
>> everything up, but this is as much for the exercise of doing it, as
>> achieving anything solid. It won't be under pressure, but I'd rather
>> push the envelope and see what I can do.
>> So how would the command go?
>> zpool create tank raidz mirror drive1 drive2 mirror drive3 drive4
>> drive5
>> ...which is where I come unstuck with the 2TB drive in the mix.
> A few days ago I lost many weeks of work because my drive #1 / 3 died , not
> synchronized into  #2 / 3 and  #3 / 3 .
> This made the computer unbootable .
> I replaced the failed disk and synchronized it  with #2 .
> The disk #3 failed and made the computer unbootable .
> I replaced that disk and synchronized it  with #2 .
> The #1 disk was new but bought  approximately 5 year ago .
> You are saying your disks are older .
> One "safe" but slow choice would be the following .
> Use external USB docks for each of your disks and make their file systems
> compatible
> with your computer ( if your disks have other file systems ) .
> With your synchronization shell scripts (1) mount  (2) rsync (3) un_mount
> your drives
> by using cron or ( manually which this option is not a good choice ) .
> If any one of your disks fails , it will not affect your computer .
> This will be slow but without any other harm .
> The most suitable additional action may be to backup your data to external
> disks
> regularly . These disks will not be continuously connected to the computer
> and will not be affected  by electricity harmful effects .
> OR
> You may use another computer ( such as a single board computer ) as an NFS
> server
> ( or a NAS if one is available to you ) , and use your drives in that
> server .
> Then synchronize your drives from your computer . If any disk fails , it
> only affects the server
> but your computer continues to work without affection .
> Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
>> On Wed, 2021-12-01 at 11:17 +0000, James wrote:
>> > On 01/12/2021 08:31, Michelle wrote:
>> > > Say I was to put a 2tb, three 4tb and a 6tb together (a 2 and two 4
>> > > would make 10 and the other 4 and the 6 would also make 10)
>> > >
>> > > Would that be possible with ZFS now?
>> >
>> > I think it has always been possible, ask is is sensible?  Try it, if
>> > you
>> > have nothing to loose.  The problem is if one drive fails is takes
>> > out
>> > all of one side of the mirror.
>> >
>> > Why not use 2 separate 4TB mirrors?  4&4 = 4, 4&6 = 4, total 8.  You
>> > loose the 2TB drive completely but (guessing) it is the slowest and
>> > oldest.  You ignore 2TB of the 6.
>> >
>> > You don't say what you are trying to achieve but it's unlikely you
>> > have
>> > the full 8TB of data, it is unlikely it can't be split.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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