On 10/6/22 00:43, Carl Brewer wrote:
On 5/10/2022 11:22 pm, Joshua M. Clulow via openindiana-discuss wrote:
On Wed, Oct 5, 2022, 00:28 david allan finch <david.al...@finch.org> wrote:

Not quite sure what has broken it but, I installed the latest version of
VirtualBox 6.1.38 and updated the client extension into my OpenIndiana
VM client (it was the last build 2021Oct from the ISO). Around the same
time I did a pkg update to the latest changes. Since then the Shared
Folders have not worked. (The host is a windows 11 box there was also an
microsoft update on that day which I initially wondered about).

On boot of the VM I now see undefined symbol 'removectx' and
'installctx' from /usr/kernel/drv/smd64/vboxguest.

I believe that's related to: https://www.illumos.org/issues/13917

The reference into VB's git seems to suggest that it was done in January?


I'm not seeing any issues with VB 6.1.38 on my OI servers, with a build from a week ago, but I'm not using shared folders at all.

Host is OI (updated yesterday) and shared folders (to Win Guest) works:

; pkg list virtualbox
NAME (PUBLISHER) VERSION IFO system/virtualbox 6.1.38-2022.0.0.0 i--


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