On 20.02.2023 16:28, Eric Bautsch wrote:
I don't know if it helps, but I recently cam across this page which seems to nicely explain how it's all done:


In turn then, looking at a linux system in /usr/share/vim/vim*/colors/ may help you work out what you need....


Thanks Eric,
but that is not issue here.

Maybe I did not explain problem properly...

For example, editing perl script, or python or even scripts with shebang '#!/bin/sh' does syntax properly... I have problems with shebang '#!/bin/bash' only (and no, I do not want to edit tons of scripts).

:; ls -al /bin/bash /usr/bin/bash
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 1,4M Dec 21 16:26 /bin/bash
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 1,4M Dec 21 16:26 /usr/bin/bash

(bash was not changed, just vim 8.x was replaced by vim 9.x)


On 20/02/2023 16:20, Predrag Zecevic via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Hi all,

does anyone has nice .vimrc, which still obey syntax coloring? Especially for bash...

Recently, vim was upgrade from version 8 to 9:

:; pkg list *editor/vim*
NAME (PUBLISHER) VERSION                    IFO
editor/vim 9.0.1300-2023.0.0.0        i--
editor/vim/vim-core 9.0.1300-2023.0.0.0        i--

Since then, bash syntax coloring is not working with neither .vimrc (old one, and modified one). Or w/o .vimrc. Previously, that syntax highlighting could help a lot, when entering shell commands to point to the syntax error.

Now, it is completely useless...

Any thoughts? Anyone still uses it?
Attached image shows it (if it was not cut off)

P.S: I did google-ing, and no luck yet...
P.P.S: and that is not only problem I have found so far, but that is for another story

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