Hi Rolf

Due to limitations on how the install media are created at the this is not possible. You would have to develop a media that can do that. Some work has been done to allow supplying the media via NFS after booting the kernel but it is undocumented and very beta.

Contributions welcome. I can also help getting you started on that development effort.


On 04.03.23 21:37, Rolf M. Dietze wrote:
is there any hint on how to netboot the openindiana install media?
Nothing found about netbooting on http://docs.openindiana.org/handbook
There is however some docu on omnios, tribblix and so, as well as
Oracle Solaris AI, but I haven't found anything on netbooting OI.
Is ist just booting off the kernel and supplying the rest via nfs
as it works with smartos?

If there is a doc I missed, then please give me a hint.

regs, Rolf

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