On 4/19/23 15:59, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
On 19/04/2023 15:55, russell wrote:
Hi Marc

When I run /usr/bin/mate-system-monitor the executable aborts.
On a hunch I performed an ldd /usr/bin/mate-system-monitor and found that like the non working screensavers see (https://www.illumos.org/issues/15138) which
abort or fail to display and are all linked to gcc7.

$  ldd /usr/bin/mate-system-monitor | grep gcc
        libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/gcc/7/lib/amd64/libstdc++.so.6
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /usr/gcc/7/lib/amd64/libgcc_s.so.1
        libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64/libstdc++.so.6
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64/libgcc_s.so.1

If the screensavers and mate-system-monitor is just linked to gcc 10 I believe
it should fix the issue

You can essentially force that via LD_LIBRARY_PATH, without
editing the runpath:

ro sunts /tmp # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64 mate-system-monitor

(<unknown>:12354): glibmm-CRITICAL **: 15:56:28.001:
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: g-io-error-quark
code  : 0
what  : Unable to find default local file monitor type

Segmentation fault

It goes to gcc10 solely, so the glib error persists:

ro sunts /tmp # env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64 ldd `which mate-system-monitor`|grep gcc
    libstdc++.so.6 =>     /usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64/libstdc++.so.6
    libgcc_s.so.1 =>     /usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64/libgcc_s.so.1

openindiana-discuss mailing list



This error persists even after upgrade glib2 to 2.74.7 as build on the official build server on 30.04.2023 (pkg update some minutes ago).. On a fast search i did not find any 'easy' configure option to add "inotify/fam support" as suggested by Udo Grabowski


Stephan Althaus


$ pkg info glib2
             Name: library/glib2
          Summary: GNOME core libraries
         Category: Desktop (GNOME)/Libraries
            State: Installed
        Publisher: openindiana.org
          Version: 2.74.7
           Branch: 2023.0.0.0
   Packaging Date: April 30, 2023 at 08:34:29 PM
Last Install Time: September  7, 2019 at 07:43:17 PM
 Last Update Time: May  1, 2023 at 05:59:29 PM
             Size: 21.65 MB
             FMRI: pkg://openindiana.org/library/glib2@2.74.7-2023.0.0.0:20230430T203429Z

$ env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/gcc/10/lib/amd64 mate-system-monitor

(<unknown>:4045): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:53:22.206: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:6:28: The style property GtkRange:slider-width is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version
(<unknown>:4045): glibmm-CRITICAL **: 21:53:22.275:
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: g-io-error-quark
code  : 0
what  : Unable to find default local file monitor type

Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

$ pstack core
core 'core' of 4045:    mate-system-monitor
--------------------- thread# 1 / lwp# 1 ---------------------
 00007fffac7c6ca7 g_type_check_instance_cast () + 17
 000000000044977a _ZN10ProcmanApp15on_command_lineERKN4Glib6RefPtrIN3Gio22ApplicationCommandLineEEE () + 11a  00007fff9e799ab0 _ZN3Gio17Application_Class21command_line_callbackEP13_GApplicationP24_GApplicationCommandLine () + 160
 00007fffac4ace5f _g_cclosure_marshal_INT__OBJECTv () + 6f
 00007fffac79aa08 _g_closure_invoke_va () + 188
 00007fffac7baf92 g_signal_emit_valist () + 332
 00007fffac7bc17d g_signal_emit () + 7d
 00007fffac509933 g_application_call_command_line () + a3
 00007fffac50bd71 g_application_real_local_command_line () + 211
 00007fff9e798722 _ZN3Gio11Application24local_command_line_vfuncERPPcRi () + 52  00007fff9e79939b _ZN3Gio17Application_Class33local_command_line_vfunc_callbackEP13_GApplicationPPPcPi () + fb
 00007fffac50bef3 g_application_run () + 133
 0000000000422b4e main () + 5e
 0000000000421e07 _start_crt () + 87
 0000000000421d68 _start () + 18

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