In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update removes installed...:

I always create a new BE while updating and I'm back to my previous
working configuration; I was just baffled by the removal of an active
and working service.

Understood, and I'm glad you were able to switch back to a working config.

How often do you update?  My experience is anecdotal at best, but with
the rolling release model OI uses, I've found that the updates are easier
if I don't go too long between updates.  I personally try to update at
least every 4-6 weeks, but sometimes it ends up being more like 3 months.
The longer I go between updates, the more likely I'm going to run into
complicated deprecations.

BTW, I cannot even install it right now on a old Openindiana
installation because latest postgres-10 depends on newer incorporations.

Someone that's better with pkg than I am can probably offer some
suggestions, but with the right incantation it *might* be possible to
update not to latest but to an older point in time.

For example, you can use something like

        pkg list -af userland-incorporation

to get every available version of that package.  'pkg update' supports
an @<version> specifier, but I don't know (actually, I doubt) if it's
as simple as something like

        pkg update -v userland-incorporation@0.5.11-2023.0.0.17799

Alternately, if you can figure out what version of postgresql-10 is tied
to the incorporations you currently have, then you can do something like

        pkg install -v postgresql-10@<version that matches your incorp>

Hopefully someone that knows pkg better can offer some suggestions on
what is and what is not possible with OI and "stepped" updates.

Tim Mooney                                   
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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