On 8/25/23 08:46, Predrag Zečević via openindiana-discuss wrote:

On 8/25/23 07:25, Carl Brewer wrote:
Hey everyone,
Before I break a server .. Is VirtualBox running ok on current OI?
Last I saw, Russell was having trouble with it in July.

Thank you!


Hi Carl,

I had to boot in BE created in June, since one from August is not working

I guess we need to wait for fix...

Check mailing list for "Problem with VirtualBox since upgrade today", as some workaround is proposed there (I have decided to switch complete BE back)


openindiana-discuss mailing list


I did a pkg update now on my server with one headless VB-vm:

$ beadm list
BE                       Active Mountpoint Space   Policy Created
openindiana-2022:11:16   -      -          124.32M static 2022-11-16 18:00
openindiana-2023:06:23-2 -      -          81.33M  static 2023-06-23 13:44
openindiana-2023:08:25   NR     /          105.67G static 2023-08-25 08:57

$ VBoxManage startvm aLinux -type headless
Waiting for VM "aLinux" to power on...
VM "aLinux" has been successfully started.

$ VBoxManage list vms
"aLinux" {9019c57b-7dd4-4ef9-bc96-c20185674ed2}

$ VBoxManage list runningvms
"aLinux" {9019c57b-7dd4-4ef9-bc96-c20185674ed2}

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Last login: Tue Jul 11 15:17:16 2023 from

q... So my VM is running on today's OI.


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