On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 08:56:15PM -0500, Christopher D. Bartels wrote:
> I have the following repeated through the log:
> FATAL ERROR: Could not find /usr/mariadb/10.6/share/mysql_test_db.sql
> So I've installed pkg:/database/mariadb-106/tests, which I thought had been
> pulled in when I installed the base package, but apparently not. This is the
> fix.

Glad to see you managed it to work.  I tried something similar and I see
the same issue.  The installation of database/mariadb-106/tests
solves the problem but it is more a workaround than the real fix.  I
believe the problem is in the /lib/svc/method/mariadb_106 file where the
test database is attempted to be created during initialization.  This
should be probably avoided.

> Now I question whether I need this other package I see during search,
> pkg:/database/mariadb-106/library.

If you do not have anything that depends on it then you do not need it.
There are currently 26 packages (only) that needs
database/mariadb-106/library so it does not need to be installed

> Despite the service being online, will this give me a problem later by
> chance?

No.  It is not needed to run the MariaDB server.

> And shouldn't the tests package be a dependency if the service won't start
> without it? How do things work here with regards to that?

That's one possible option how to solve the problem, but I believe we
can do better (see above).

BTW, feel free to file a bug report so the issue is not forgotten.

Thank you.

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |

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