Below is the email regarding the Tower Defender 'performance' issues. Someone 
did respond about a trick with the fonts which I think helped but there were 
still several problems. 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Daniel Zwolenski <>
> Date: 3 January 2013 11:13:57 AM AEDT
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Canvas rendering issues / Text Transition rendering issues
> One of the goals of Richard's Tower Defender game is to test/showcase 
> rendering performance and smoothness. The game is still very very ugly and 
> basic but we have added some transitions and also included a Canvas 
> background and we are starting to see some serious rendering issues. 
> Richard probably hasn't a chance to look at these much yet so he may have 
> more insight but it would be interesting to hear comments from others on what 
> may be causing these issues (e.g. code in our end or code in the JFX end) and 
> how to deal with them. 
> There is an executable JAR of the (still very ugly game) at: 
> All the code is at: (I can narrow 
> down further to areas of interest if you need it - just ask).
> When the game first loads we show an animated 'introduction' screen that has 
> some basic Text transitions on it. This has some issues: 
> The first title text is very jittery as it zooms in
> The tag line that fades in does a noticeable, sudden jump at the end from 
> what looks like a bolder font to a thin one (or anti-aliased or something). 
> The spinning text has a similar combination of the previous two issues 
> We have also added a Canvas as a background for the game in the 'grass' level 
> (the 'brick' level uses a Pane as a background) and it has resulted in all 
> sorts of odd problems. The canvas level has some pretty serious issues: 
> Towers (nodes) have some z-order issues when being placed before animations 
> start
> Bad Guys (nodes) rendering outside of their parents clip bound's and then 
> tend to leave a tail behind them (i.e. the back-buffer is not cleared or 
> something) 
> Lots of flickering of Bad Guys when they are animating (again looks like 
> z-order issues)
> Putting an overlayed light box with a translucent glass pane (click the 'New 
> Game' button) causes all sorts of extreme, weird flickering and clipping 
> problems
> Note that this could all be related to how we're using regions or something 
> like that but even so it's pretty bad that we can make this happen even if we 
> wanted to. The 'bricks' level uses a pane as it's background and works a 
> treat with pretty much the exact same code. 
> Cheers, 
> Dan

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