Hello OpenJFX,

It's no secret that we have been moving our build to gradle and reorganizing our source tree at the same time. Well, the time has come. If all goes according to plan, we will have moved to the gradle build starting this Friday morning. As part of a push to make developing for OpenJFX as easy as possible, we are working to support both command line and IDE developers better than we have before. Gradle builds are faster than our old build system and much more flexible. Many FX committers use an IDE and we are working to support your IDE of choice.

We will be updating these instructions as soon as possible: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Building+OpenJFX

If you have outstanding changes against the current build and source tree structure, you will need to update them when the build changes.

We are hoping that the workspace reorganization and the new gradle build will make it much easier for everybody to be able to build & test with JavaFX. This is just a step along that path. Additional work includes reorganizing all of the tests (white-box unit tests, black box functional tests, manual tests), integrating in the SQE tests, further code refactoring, updating the Wiki to refer to the different functional components, adding FindBugs and CheckStyle, adding code coverage analysis, exposing continuous builds on a binary repository, and so on. Lots more to do.

Steve & Richard

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