I don't think I understand the answer. Are you saying that what we are suggesting is wrong conceptually or hard to implement or ...?


On 11/07/2013 1:23 PM, Martin Sladecek wrote:
No, I will change the dirty roots to dirty flags on every node. With them, it's possible to use it the way you suggest (applyCSS & layout on nearest layout root), but it's much more convenient if we could identify the layout root of the subtree and apply the layout from there downwards. I think it's something most of the usecases would want (SB, snapshot) but it's not that simple to identify layout root (we have private flag for that in every Node, so internally it's just one boolean check).


On 07/11/2013 05:15 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
This might work for CSS, but won't for layout. The second example won't work because you'd just do layout of the node itself. It might get a different size from it's parent during the next layout pass (and the parent from it's parent, etc...). So the layout will look different after the next pulse. This is why we need more than layout() call and it's not just about adding the CSS.
If I understand properly this would be the correct behavior. If I ask a subtree of nodes to layout after setting the size of the subtree root, then go farther up the tree to an ancestor, ensure the ancestor has a size and layout again, the original subtree might be layed out differently and I would expect that. If I need to take a snapshot of a child and it has to be in context of the entire tree, I do CC in the root, force layout in the root and then take a snapshot of the child.
That was what I was thinking as well, I don't understand why we have to do more than provide a way to apply CSS in order to satisfy all the use cases? Note that the old implementation (with lists of dirty roots on the Scene, or is this still the way we do it?) might be problematic here, I don't know, but from an API point of view, it seems like this is exactly what you want.


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