On 11.10.13 18:10, Matthias Hänel wrote:
> Hi Tomas,
> today, I took the time to investigate a little more time on this. 
> 1. I build an entirely new openjfx78 build for android
> 2. starting this gave me several errors that lead me to the 
> conclusion that I need a java6 openjfx
> 3. based on openjfx78 I ported it back to java6 (adapted gradled scripts, and 
> tons of java source code)
> 4. Now it's almost running on an 18th android. All libraries are firing up 
> until the CssStyleHelper 
> is called with a static call to createStyleHelper.
> That looks like the font stuff is not in jfx78. That's why "new Font" returns 
> with null and therefore

On OS-X font stuff is definately there in jfx78, but the low-level font
stuff is loaded using reflection (at least this was the cause on robovm)!


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