Thanks for your explanation, it's clear now!


Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 févr. 2014, at 14:25, David Grieve <> wrote:
>> On 2/19/14, 5:07 AM, Hervé Girod wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a question about how the CSS styling work, when a node skin use sub 
>> nodes.
>> For example, the Button control uses a LabeledText, but it is not necessary 
>> to setup the style of the LabeledText inside the button to set the font of 
>> the button text (it is done in the button style itself).
> The way this generally works is that the control has some JavaFX CSS 
> property, like -fx-font. The skin listens to the property and handles the 
> state change in whatever manner is appropriate to the skin. So, for example, 
> if the Button's graphicProperty changes, the Button's skin will be notified 
> and can handle the change. In the most simple case, this might be done with 
> bind.
> LabeledText is somewhat of a different beast in that it wants map properties 
> from Labeled onto properites in Text and vice-versa. LabeledText allows for 
> styles like .labeled { -fx-text-fill: red; } to affect the Text's 
> fillProperty while still allowing .labeled > .text { -fx-fill: yellow; }
>> But a MenuBar use children menus in its substructure, which have to be 
>> styled independently.
>> How is it possible (or is it possible) to detect programmatically when 
>> iterating through the children of a Styleable node which children are 
>> automatically styled according to the patent mode style, and which are 
>> styled separately ?
> It may seem that that the child menus are styled independently, but they are 
> not - at least in 8.0. The Styleable interface allows the CSS engine to 
> traverse a scene-graph in a way that doesn't depend on a Node's parent. In a 
> sense, Styleable provides a mechanism for a css-graph that is (somewhat) 
> independent of the scene-graph.
> In the case of something like a Menu, the Styleable API getStyleableParent() 
> will return the parentMenu or the parentPopup which brings it back to the 
> MenuBar.
>> Hervé
>> Sent from my iPhone

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