Hi Stefan,

I have not tried SWT FileDialog I use the awt FileDialog else I would get my 
app rejected.

Good Luck

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 7:49 PM, Stefan Fuchs <snfu...@gmx.de> wrote:


has anyone got an filedialog working under MacOS in an JavaFX-Applet?

What I tried so far:

-> FileChooser always opens right behind the browser (see 
https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-28820), where no user will find it.
Same code works fine on Windows

2.Swing-JFileChooser / AWT-FileChooser:
-> Throws " java.awt.HeadlessException“ exception under Java 7
I read https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-20784 
<https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-20784> , but for me it is not 
clear, whether there is a workaround for Java 7.
I could try to convince users to upgrade to Java 8, but if you visit 
http://java.com you'll see, it is currently nearly impossible for end 
users to download Java 8. The site still talks about Java 8 being a test 
release targeted towards developers, links to jdk, the download page is 
not localized, user must choose correct file, ....
Anyway, JFileChooser works fine on Windows

-> Closing the dialog throws NPE, then the Java-plugin crashes with an 
You get the song: Works fine on Windows

Sorry, if the above sounds like a rant, but finding a solution can be 
quite frustrating.
So any advice of how to get one of the above to work or about an 
alternative solution is very much appreciated.

- Stefan

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