When I was using the jfx:native maven goal to create an installer for Windows using MSI, most of it works fine. However, I wanted to customize the dialogs that are shown during the installation process. I can get the configuration files OK, but the problem is that in order for it to work completely, the WixUIExtension needs to be included in the command line (using an "-ext WixUIExtension" option).

Unfortunately, there is no way to add this when running the installer. The code (WinMsiBundler.java) hardcodes the WixUtilExtension, but that is all.

Ideally, it would be nice to be able to specify any number of arbitrary extensions at the command line, perhaps via some kind of flag like -Dextension=WixUIExtension, which then gets passed into the WinMsiBundler to create more "-ext XYZExtension" options). But even just having the UI extension hardcoded inthere would get it to work.

I can probably just do the change locally and install a custom version of the JFX stuff in my repository, but I think it would be a worthwhile change to the repo overall.


Scott Lewis

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