Hm, I've got it working, but I need to call a "getChildren().clear()" before I 
start creating nodes in a skin. If not, the control will retain the nodes an old skin has 
created. Also any style classes that were assigned remain, but those can be reset easily.

Never the less I feel that setSkin() should clear the children and reset the 
style classes itself?


On 23-12-2014 15:39, Tom Eugelink wrote:
Then this NPE on getSkinnable() when switching Agenda's skin when the control 
is already shown (instead of when created) must be my doing some how. Thanks!


On 23-12-2014 14:36, David Grieve wrote:
Yes, it is allowed. But know that there is some code in setSkin that prevents 
setting a skin that is either instance equal or the same class.

On 12/23/14, 6:27 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
Is it allowed / supported to execute setSkin with a new skin on a control that 
is part of a scene?


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