Hi David,

I've just tried to build the soft float version following the instructions
on the wiki. However when doing a 'gradle -PCOMPILE_TARGETS=armv6sf'. It
complains 'Error: missing tool packages: [arm-linaro-4.7.tgz]'.

I assume the shellscript that downloads the cross compiler tools is missing
some libraries (?). Installing 'gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi' didn't solve it


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 3:46 PM, David Hill <david.h...@oracle.com> wrote:

> On 2/5/15, 3:35 AM, Chris Newland wrote:
> Hi Chris,
>   I have answering a few questions for Mani on getting a Linux & Linux ARM
> build running on the Fedora based cloudbees setup. There are still some
> packages I am missing for a full Fedora 21 build related to desktop media,
> but the core builds fine now. (Any Fedora users out there that want to help
> me find the right media development packages ?)
> Pretty excited to see this moving forward. Was dabbling last night to move
> some of the "packaging" steps into the Open, so that when we have a
> Cloudbees build, it will have a simple output overlay bundle.
> Glad to hear the 'Building for ARM' Wiki worked out for you. I have put a
> lot of time into the "Building" part of the Wiki, and am always looking for
> corrections/clarifications.
> As for treading on toes - Kevin and I are really pleased that the
> community is picking up these builds. Hopefully we can end up with a stable
> and a development bundle to point people too. There has been a lot of work
> in ARM (Monocle, touch, and 3D) that has not made it into an official ARM
> bundle.
> Open projects take a community, and it is nice to see so many of you
> helping out.
> Speaking of helping out.... if people want to help with contributions, we
> need a Oracle Contributor Agreement <http://www.oracle.com/
> technetwork/community/oca-486395.html> on file before taking code changes.
> Dave
>  Hi Johan, all,
>> Following the announcement that JDK builds for ARM will no longer include
>> JavaFX I started talking with the OpenJDK Adoption group
>> (https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Adoption/Main) about the
>> possibility of using their CloudBees CI system to produce OpenJFX binaries
>> (for all operating systems including ARM) as a way to help keep JavaFX
>> alive on IoT devices.
>> For those who don't know the Adoption group, its mission is to help
>> developers get started with building OpenJDK, testing new features,
>> submitting bug reports, and cleaning up code.
>> Adoption has a CloudBees CI set up and I've been talking with Mani Sarkar
>> (@theneomatrix369) about setting up an OpenJFX CI project with
>> cross-compile support that builds OpenJFX for all archs.
>> The cross-compile instructions here
>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Cross+
>> Building+for+ARM+Hard+Float
>> are working great for me locally so now we're trying to work out how to
>> move that to the cloud.
>> I don't want to tread on anyone's toes here and we're not trying to become
>> any kind of official source for JavaFX, just trying to make sure there's
>> an easy way (e.g. binaries) for end users to add JavaFX to their ARM JDKs
>> and to help people dip their toes into OpenJFX development as per the
>> Adoption group's mission.
>> Happy to coordinate on how we can make this useful and avoid any
>> duplication of effort :)
>> Personally, I'm a big fan of JavaFX and use it as the UI layer in JITWatch
>>   (https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/jitwatch/). I'm also into IoT and
>> wearables and think JavaFX would be great on the new Raspberry Pi 2.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> @chriswhocodes
> --
> David Hill<david.h...@oracle.com>
> Java Embedded Development
> "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey
> the world."
> -- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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